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Patience, Kindness, Goodness
All in all, the fruits of the spirit are beautiful gifts that we have access to, if we are born again and take the time to rely on God for it. The Spirit is faithful to supply, so long as we go to Him.
So, the next time you think about patience as this thing we don’t pray for so that God doesn’t test us, remember that you already have it. You also already have the perfect example to pull from.
I want to challenge you all to see the fruits of the Spirit as the biggest gift we have, just after salvation. It’s our ability to know God and to model our life after Him. It isn’t something to take for granted.
Love, Joy, Peace
The first three fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians are love, joy, and peace.
My Prayer Today
This post is going to be a little different than our “normal” blog posts. However, it is something that is on my heart and I feel God wants me to share it. I hope it blesses your soul and urges you to spend more time with Him as you become a more genuine disciple.
Attributes of God: Part 2
God is perfectly holy, always faithful, forever patient, righteously just, and incredibly loving. He made us in His image, so we can also exhibit these attributes, with His help of course.
No More Resolutions
By choosing today to take time to just focus on God and ask Him to align your heart to His, you’ll be off to a fabulous start in the new year.
How we can have LOVE this season!
As we finish up this advent season, finding Christmas just four days away, we want to spend some time thinking about love in regards to Jesus Christ! A love that was perfectly displayed through Jesus’ birth, life, and sacrifice.
Why we can have JOY this Advent Season
Because of Jesus we can experience the attitude of JOY, especially during the Christmas season.
How we can have PEACE this season!
Jesus came to make us complete before God; not stained in our sin. We can have PEACE in this truth, as well as others as we wait for Jesus’ Second Coming.
How we can have HOPE this Advent Season
Because of Jesus, we can have HOPE. The prophets of the Old Testament spoke of the HOPE that all people could be counted as part of the family of God and that Jesus the Messiah would come. Jesus Himself spoke of the HOPE we can have to spend eternity with Him and knowing that He will return.
Gratitude is not Circumstantial
It’s so easy for me to list all of the things I love, all of the things I am thankful for. My husband and son, my chosen family, my house and paid-off-car. God has provided so many things for my family and I.
But I never once thanked God for being God.
It’s so easy to thank God for all of the things He does for us; all of the things that He has given us. Even James states that all good and perfect things that we have are from Him.
But who is God and how can we describe Him?
God is beyond our comprehension, but we do know for sure that He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. He is more than worthy of all of our praise and devotion!
Three Ways To Memorize Scripture
“I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 CSB - Ironically, this is the very first scripture that I memorized! I needed to know why I should memorize scripture, and here it is: If you don’t want to sin all the time, memorize scripture so that you know right from wrong.
What is the Bible?
The Bible is a massively important book for us as believers. Yes, sometimes it may be challenging for us to read and understand because the culture in which it was written is so different from ours. Nevertheless, it is vital that you study the Word and seek to find the meaning that God has given.
Reformation Day
This action led to the Protestant Reformation and inspired believers to pursue genuine faith through true repentance and a biblical foundation.
The Gospel Articulated
The gospel isn’t always easy to articulate, especially when we’re trying to communicate it to others. While preparing for Vacation Bible School, I learned an easier way to teach the gospel, and am so excited to share that with you!
Theology 101
Theology is the discussion of God and all things related to God. Both believers and nonbelievers all do theology. Theology is not just a list of things we learn, it informs how we live our lives.
Do you ever just feel lonely? Like maybe it is because you spend a lot of time by yourself or live alone. Or sometimes there’s the lonely feeling even when surrounded by a lot of people, but it just seems like nobody understands you. If so, I have totally been there (as you saw in a recent post), but so have some major people from the Bible.