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Do you ever just feel lonely? Like maybe it is because you spend a lot of time by yourself or live alone. Or sometimes there’s the lonely feeling even when surrounded by a lot of people, but it just seems like nobody understands you. If so, I have totally been there (as you saw in a recent post), but so have some major people from the Bible.
Battling Negative Thoughts
Negative thoughts are going to follow us everywhere we go. From getting cut off in traffic, to wondering if those things we heard about ourselves are true, it’s easy to get bogged down in the bad feelings. But, as long as we don’t camp out there, we can get through it! We can rely on God and the truths we know through Him!
BIG Feelings
We all have big feelings that seem to overwhelm us at times- loneliness, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, discontentment. Are these feelings sinful?
Gospel: Part 4
You’ve read about Jesus’ birth, ministry, and miracles. To me those are the more “fun” parts of the Gospel. Those show us the miraculous birth and the ways in which Jesus was fully God and fully human while on earth. Those are the stories that we want to share with children. But if that’s all we know and believe about Jesus, we are sorely missing out. Today we will talk about the less “fun” part of Jesus’ life on earth. If you’ve been to church around Easter time, you may already know this part of the story. If this is all new to you, I would encourage you to go read it for yourself.
Gospel Part 3
Now, why does it matter that Jesus can do miracles? Why does this matter in the grand scheme of His ministry?
Simple: who else can do miracles? This shows us again, the God side of Him. We can’t turn water into wine or feed 5,000 with little materials, but Jesus can. This sets Him apart for the World to see.
Let’s talk about them!
The Gospel: Part 2
Today, we’re going to start a two part post talking about who Jesus says He is and the miracles He did! This highlights the time between Him taking the step into His ministry and Him being crucified. There are a lot of things that fit into this time period, even more than what is documented in the Bible for us, so we’re going to focus on the book of John, with Jesus’ “I Am” statements and His miracles!
The Gospel: Part 1
If you’ve ever watched the movie ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’, then you’re maybe familiar with the Biblical story of Jesus’s birth. It is told from such a beautiful perspective, full of details, in the Gospel of Luke.
Thankful for Love
As you spend this holiday however you do, remember this: you are loved more than you could ever imagine, and nothing you do will make that untrue. Keep that in mind, and praise Him for it!
Serving Faithfully
Paul commends a lot of people in Romans 16, yet none of them are listed with leadership titles. They were still obviously faithful servants in the early church. How are you serving your local church?
Does God Really Hear Us?
A word of caution to summarize this entire post: don’t be so focused on God working the way you want Him to, that you miss the incredible things He’s doing in your circumstances as it is. My baby isn’t exactly how I wanted her to be, but I couldn’t imagine her any different now. And while I would still take this from her in a heartbeat, I know that God will do miraculous things through this circumstance. Do you?
Another Bad Bible Babe?
Today’s bad Bible babe is a doozy. Her story is one that rivals a hit telenovela. We don’t even really see God in this story. So what can we learn from Herodias? Let’s dig in and see.
How Big are Your Circumstances?
So, let’s talk about this. Sometimes circumstances seem so much bigger than they are, right? In the moment, it’s overwhelming, and catching a breath seems impossible.
In hindsight, maybe they don’t seem so big after the fact, but by golly in the moment? It seems bigger than what’s handleable.
How should I care about politics as a Christian?
Starting with a disclaimer: We are not here to tell you how to vote or to persuade you towards a specific candidate or party. Fulfilling the Ministry does not endorse any candidates or political parties. In fact, there are a few things Mel and I don’t necessarily agree on politically. And that is OKAY. We agree on the main points of the Gospel and that is more than enough. Today’s post is more to encourage you to care about politics and how to approach them from a (very basic) Christian manner. Now, with that being said, I am opinionated and do enjoy talking about politics in safe environments, so if that is what you’d like to do- let’s have ice cream one day and talk!
A Need for Selah
Today we’ll talk about purposefully pausing, and redirecting our focus onto God. To take the time to refocus on peace and calm, and spend extra time with Him. Because this is exactly what He wants from us
And as we do, we’ll remember: God isn’t good and loving and just and perfect because of things He does for us… He’s all of these things and more without us even in the equation. He is because He simply is.
Who was Pharaoh’s Daughter?
Check out this post to read about Pharaoh's daughter and what we can learn from her story!
Why Does Self-Control Matter?
Self-Control is used for so many things. Food, habits, fighting against sin, and a plethora of other things, and we, as christians, are promised a helper when it comes to self-control.
I chose ESV for this because it says self-control explicitly, but CSB says “sound judgment” instead, and I love both! We live in a world where self-control is treated like a frivolous virtue. Why be in control or disciplined when you can indulge in just about anything you want. Between the internet, media, and even our own relationships, everything we could ever want is right at our fingertips, all we have to do is do.
Who was Dinah?
Warning: this is a tough story to read in the Bible. It points out some of the rough aspects of humanity, even reminding us of some of our sin. But stick with me as we investigate the story of Dinah, which has some great implications for our own lives!
When Life Gives You Hard Times
Life isn’t fair. Did you guys know that? I can’t remember the exact moment that I realized it, but I remember it’s been a long time. And, while I think the phrase in itself is cynical and not altogether useful, I do think there’s some merit to it. There is no point in the Bible or history that God has told us that things would be hunky-dory. There’s no verse that says life will be fair just because we believe in Him, the Bible literally tells us otherwise.
Instead, amid a week where I have struggled with the unfairness of this pregnancy, my husband taught the kids about this verse in Psalms. He taught the kids that we are never truly alone. Even if we feel like it, even if we physically are on our own, we are never without our Lord God.
Have you ever been brokenhearted, reader?
Is Sin Really THAT Big of a Deal?
Let's answer this question as we walk through the book of Micah!
Cynicism: The Act of Not Loving Others
Love God and love others. Jesus walked this earth 100% human, He KNOWS how hard people make it to love them. I promise, even as lovely as you are, reader, you’re also difficult to love to someone out there. Jesus knew this and still told us that this is the second greatest command.
Do you ever just feel lonely? Like maybe it is because you spend a lot of time by yourself or live alone. Or sometimes there’s the lonely feeling even when surrounded by a lot of people, but it just seems like nobody understands you. If so, I have totally been there (as you saw in a recent post), but so have some major people from the Bible.