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Unveiling Revelation
The book of Revelation…. to some it’s scary, to some it’s a cause for alarm, and to some it’s simply another reason to praise God! Let’s dig in unveil the challenging book of Revelation.

Loving Amidst Hurt
So stay. Forgive. Be humble and selfless, and put yourself second always. I’ll be trying to do the same thing.

How can we manage stress and burnout?
Raise your hand if you have ever felt stressed? How about getting burned out? When that to-do list is overwhelming, with no end in sight and yet the hours in the day are dwindling quickly?

Do you ever just feel lonely? Like maybe it is because you spend a lot of time by yourself or live alone. Or sometimes there’s the lonely feeling even when surrounded by a lot of people, but it just seems like nobody understands you. If so, I have totally been there (as you saw in a recent post), but so have some major people from the Bible.

BIG Feelings
We all have big feelings that seem to overwhelm us at times- loneliness, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, discontentment. Are these feelings sinful?

Serving Faithfully
Paul commends a lot of people in Romans 16, yet none of them are listed with leadership titles. They were still obviously faithful servants in the early church. How are you serving your local church?

How should I care about politics as a Christian?
Starting with a disclaimer: We are not here to tell you how to vote or to persuade you towards a specific candidate or party. Fulfilling the Ministry does not endorse any candidates or political parties. In fact, there are a few things Mel and I don’t necessarily agree on politically. And that is OKAY. We agree on the main points of the Gospel and that is more than enough. Today’s post is more to encourage you to care about politics and how to approach them from a (very basic) Christian manner. Now, with that being said, I am opinionated and do enjoy talking about politics in safe environments, so if that is what you’d like to do- let’s have ice cream one day and talk!

A Need for Selah
Today we’ll talk about purposefully pausing, and redirecting our focus onto God. To take the time to refocus on peace and calm, and spend extra time with Him. Because this is exactly what He wants from us
And as we do, we’ll remember: God isn’t good and loving and just and perfect because of things He does for us… He’s all of these things and more without us even in the equation. He is because He simply is.

Is Sin Really THAT Big of a Deal?
Let's answer this question as we walk through the book of Micah!

How can we know if we are truly believers?
How do I know if I truly know Jesus?
First, do I show I know God by obeying His commands?
Do I show I know God by loving my brother?
Do I show I know God by confessing that Jesus is the Christ?

Who do you turn to?
Gossip isn’t usually intended maliciously: we view it as venting usually. But that doesn’t change the fact that if someone heard us saying these things, they’d be hurt.
This is a judgment free zone, so it’s okay to admit where we’ve fallen short, but it’s not okay to stay there. Let’s read that verse together: “...His religion is useless and he deceives himself.” Can we all just say “oof” together on this? If we can’t control our tongue, and we do EXACTLY what I just admitted to doing, my religion is useless.
Does God really care about the occasional mean thing I say? Is it really that big of a deal? Let’s talk about it.

What is the Armor of God?
The phrase “put on the armor of God” has always seemed odd to me. How do I put these things on? Truth, righteousness, readiness and peace, faith, salvation, and spirit. These don’t exactly go on in the same way a sundress or a bra do.
But, when we look at this scripture passage as a habit building to-do list instead, I think we start to see what Paul means.

It’s More Than Just A Flower
Sometimes referred to as the doctrines of grace, we are going to spend today’s post learning about the reformed tradition of TULIP. Because theology matters. Thinking about these 5 points or TULIP help us to dwell on and articulate our view of God, ourselves, sin, and grace. TULIP stands for total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints.

Prayers of Petition and Prayers of Intercession
I want to say that DeeDee has done a LOVELY job talking about prayer, and I’m going to chime in with the two types of prayer that we can easily incorporate with our own prayer times, and why they’re important!

Prayers of Gratitude and Prayers of Confession
Today pray a prayer of gratitude to the God that sent His one and only Son to make a way for us to have a personal and atoning relationship with Him. Pray a prayer of confession, admitting your failures and inadequacies, knowing that God hears you and will forgive you.

The Basics of Prayer
Y’all, prayer is VITAL. We have to do it. Imagine going days without talking to your spouse or someone who lives in the same house as you. It’s not healthy. The same is true of our relationship with God- we need to be in communication with Him

What is Bible Intake?
God’s Word is the Bible, and it is inerrant, which means that it is without mistakes. Nothing that has been on this Earth, except the Bible and Jesus (Who is also known as the Word of God), are perfect. This means that we can learn God’s Word and trust it completely.

Lies we believe about the church
Let’s talk about the lies that are surrounding the church. You know the ones I mean: all Christians are judgmental. I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. And then, my personal favorite, I have to get myself right before I come to church.
When God is our foundation, our work, relationships, and daily activities become infused with His presence and purpose. We are no longer trying to balance life’s demands while keeping God at the top; instead, we are building everything on Him, knowing that He is our strength, our wisdom, and our source of life.
So, instead of asking, “Is God at the top of my priority list?” ask, “Is my life built upon Him?” Because when God is our foundation, everything else falls into its rightful place. It’s almost like that’s His intention for us (insert winky face).