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The Basics of Prayer
She Devotes DeeDee She Devotes DeeDee

The Basics of Prayer

Y’all, prayer is VITAL. We have to do it. Imagine going days without talking to your spouse or someone who lives in the same house as you. It’s not healthy. The same is true of our relationship with God- we need to be in communication with Him

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What is Bible Intake?
She Devotes Mel She Devotes Mel

What is Bible Intake?

God’s Word is the Bible, and it is inerrant, which means that it is without mistakes. Nothing that has been on this Earth, except the Bible and Jesus (Who is also known as the Word of God), are perfect. This means that we can learn God’s Word and trust it completely.

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How we can have HOPE this Advent Season
She Delights DeeDee She Delights DeeDee

How we can have HOPE this Advent Season

Because of Jesus, we can have HOPE. The prophets of the Old Testament spoke of the HOPE that all people could be counted as part of the family of God and that Jesus the Messiah would come. Jesus Himself spoke of the HOPE we can have to spend eternity with Him and knowing that He will return.

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Gratitude is not Circumstantial
She Delights Mel She Delights Mel

Gratitude is not Circumstantial

It’s so easy for me to list all of the things I love, all of the things I am thankful for. My husband and son, my chosen family, my house and paid-off-car. God has provided so many things for my family and I.

But I never once thanked God for being God.

It’s so easy to thank God for all of the things He does for us; all of the things that He has given us. Even James states that all good and perfect things that we have are from Him.

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Three Ways To Memorize Scripture
She Delights Mel She Delights Mel

Three Ways To Memorize Scripture

“I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 CSB - Ironically, this is the very first scripture that I memorized! I needed to know why I should memorize scripture, and here it is: If you don’t want to sin all the time, memorize scripture so that you know right from wrong.

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What is the Bible?
She Delights DeeDee She Delights DeeDee

What is the Bible?

The Bible is a massively important book for us as believers. Yes, sometimes it may be challenging for us to read and understand because the culture in which it was written is so different from ours. Nevertheless, it is vital that you study the Word and seek to find the meaning that God has given.

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Lies we believe about the church
She Devotes Mel She Devotes Mel

Lies we believe about the church

Let’s talk about the lies that are surrounding the church. You know the ones I mean: all Christians are judgmental. I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. And then, my personal favorite, I have to get myself right before I come to church.

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Resting in Christ
She Devotes DeeDee She Devotes DeeDee

Resting in Christ

The fourth commandment is to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. As evangelical believers, we are to follow this command, although in a slightly different way than our Jewish ancestors. 

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Beatitudes Part 2
She Devotes Mel She Devotes Mel

Beatitudes Part 2

As we talked about in the last post, the beatitudes are a portion of the “Sermon on the Mount” which is found in Matthew chapters 5-7. These ethics that Jesus is calling us to live out are impossible to achieve on our own, but they show us our need for God’s grace and mercy, and force us to lean into the Holy Spirit as we’re tested.

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