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Patience, Kindness, Goodness
All in all, the fruits of the spirit are beautiful gifts that we have access to, if we are born again and take the time to rely on God for it. The Spirit is faithful to supply, so long as we go to Him.
So, the next time you think about patience as this thing we don’t pray for so that God doesn’t test us, remember that you already have it. You also already have the perfect example to pull from.
I want to challenge you all to see the fruits of the Spirit as the biggest gift we have, just after salvation. It’s our ability to know God and to model our life after Him. It isn’t something to take for granted.

Love, Joy, Peace
The first three fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians are love, joy, and peace.

Moving Past Conflict
Alright, ladies! We’ve spent a few weeks discussing conflict and how to interact with others in a Godly way.
At this point we’re at the end of conflict, and things are either tied up nicely, or still a mess. How do we proceed after that?
If we flip to Matthew 18 (specifically a CSB version), we’ll see that verses 15-20 are titled Restoring a Brother. That’s our goal. By interacting with people in a way that prevents conflict, changing our hearts and intents as we work through the conflict, and now as we proceed after the conflict. Our goal is to restore our brothers and sisters. Our goal is unity.

Working Through Conflict
Conflict isn’t easy to navigate, and truly we can only control the way we respond to it. But if we seek conflict resolution with compassion, and prioritize a loving approach with our communication, we can do our part in resolving any situation we find ourselves in.

My Prayer Today
This post is going to be a little different than our “normal” blog posts. However, it is something that is on my heart and I feel God wants me to share it. I hope it blesses your soul and urges you to spend more time with Him as you become a more genuine disciple.

How to Work to Prevent Conflict
Instead of completely avoiding conflict, there is a verse that comes to mind that teaches us how to avoid conflict on our end of things. We can’t completely avoid it, but when we shape our actions in a way that glorifies God, we can minimize the amount of times conflict happens.

Attributes of God: Part 2
God is perfectly holy, always faithful, forever patient, righteously just, and incredibly loving. He made us in His image, so we can also exhibit these attributes, with His help of course.

How to Deal with Church Hurt
Church isn’t for perfect people. Everyone attending church, whether they are actively surrendering their lives to God or not, are completely imperfect. They are sinners. That’s the whole foundation of our faith, right? I’m a sinner, I need Jesus so that I can have a relationship with God. It’s funny how easy it is to forget that fact when hurt happens. Someone is mean or a leader makes a poor decision, and our hackles are up!

It’s More Than Just A Flower
Sometimes referred to as the doctrines of grace, we are going to spend today’s post learning about the reformed tradition of TULIP. Because theology matters. Thinking about these 5 points or TULIP help us to dwell on and articulate our view of God, ourselves, sin, and grace. TULIP stands for total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints.

What is the Lord’s Prayer?
Matthew 6 is a solid chapter that I am slowly but surely working on memorizing in its entirety. It covers a lot of things from giving, to prayer, to fasting. Jesus even covers anxiety in this chapter! Jesus also covers prayer in two ways: he talks about how we should do it with our actions, and an actual example to follow. How convenient! Jesus is literally like “Y’all aren’t great at talking to my dad, so here’s a dummy proof way.”

Prayers of Petition and Prayers of Intercession
I want to say that DeeDee has done a LOVELY job talking about prayer, and I’m going to chime in with the two types of prayer that we can easily incorporate with our own prayer times, and why they’re important!

Prayers of Gratitude and Prayers of Confession
Today pray a prayer of gratitude to the God that sent His one and only Son to make a way for us to have a personal and atoning relationship with Him. Pray a prayer of confession, admitting your failures and inadequacies, knowing that God hears you and will forgive you.

The Basics of Prayer
Y’all, prayer is VITAL. We have to do it. Imagine going days without talking to your spouse or someone who lives in the same house as you. It’s not healthy. The same is true of our relationship with God- we need to be in communication with Him

What is Bible Intake?
God’s Word is the Bible, and it is inerrant, which means that it is without mistakes. Nothing that has been on this Earth, except the Bible and Jesus (Who is also known as the Word of God), are perfect. This means that we can learn God’s Word and trust it completely.

No More Resolutions
By choosing today to take time to just focus on God and ask Him to align your heart to His, you’ll be off to a fabulous start in the new year.

How we can have LOVE this season!
As we finish up this advent season, finding Christmas just four days away, we want to spend some time thinking about love in regards to Jesus Christ! A love that was perfectly displayed through Jesus’ birth, life, and sacrifice.

Why we can have JOY this Advent Season
Because of Jesus we can experience the attitude of JOY, especially during the Christmas season.

How we can have PEACE this season!
Jesus came to make us complete before God; not stained in our sin. We can have PEACE in this truth, as well as others as we wait for Jesus’ Second Coming.

How we can have HOPE this Advent Season
Because of Jesus, we can have HOPE. The prophets of the Old Testament spoke of the HOPE that all people could be counted as part of the family of God and that Jesus the Messiah would come. Jesus Himself spoke of the HOPE we can have to spend eternity with Him and knowing that He will return.
At the end of the day, being “in Christ” simply means being a follower of Him—belonging to Him, walking with Him, and trusting in His promises. If you are in Christ, you are new. You are forgiven. You are secure in Him. Let this truth encourage and strengthen you today!
You are not who you were. You are His.